Customer Relations

V-Switch helps retail telecom service providers manage and improve their service quality using a customizable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module. V-Switch's CRM enables your company's customer service representatives to serve your customers anywhere, anyplace, anytime.
V-Switch's 100% web-based database enables telecom service providers, large and small, to operate globally, 365 days a year, 24/7.

» Account Management
Customers expect great service. With V-Switch, your company's customer service representatives can perform complex tasks using a simple Account Management interface armed with multi-criteria searching and sorting capacity. Your customer service representatives can quickly and accurately access and allocate detailed customer accounts with limited information inputs. An account summary is visible at all times, so your customer services representatives have the information they need to ensure your customers are treated like valued customers.

» CRM Log
Dialog between customers and customer service representatives is noted, recorded, and time and date stamped with V-Switch's CRM Log. Only administrators are permitted to modify V-Switch's CRM Log.

» Trouble Ticket
V-Switch is equipped with a multi-level Trouble Ticket / support system. Each Trouble Ticket can be associated with a call record, which helps technicians to quickly find solutions to problems as they arise.
V-Switch's Trouble Ticket offers three levels of support:
  • Customer service, where concerns are logged
  • Support, where immediate customer support is provided
  • Escalation, where the Trouble Ticket is relayed to a qualified technician

» Document Inventory
V-Switch's Document Inventory is a digital filing cabinet where materials, contracts and other forms of digital paperwork can be stored for quick and easy retrieval. This feature allows varied and secure levels of access.

» AIM, MSN & Yahoo IM Integration
V-Switch's Subscriber Interface is integrated with a function that triggers Instant Messages (IM) between your subscribers and customer service representatives. V-Switch is programmed to use: AIM, MSN, and Yahoo.

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